Front Gallery Residency
‘2nd Shift’
14/05/24 - 09/06/24
Our Spring Residency is now underway - ‘2nd Shift’ is a creative collaboration established by Leonora Lockhart and Isis Dove-Edwin. Throughout this residency Lockhart and Dove-Edwin are joined by Line le Fevre, Kerri McEvoy and Sharyn Wortman.
With a goal of amplifying the discourse around the impact of motherhood on artist’s careers (the ‘motherhood penalty’), ‘2nd Shift’ aims to minimise some of the existing hurdles for artist mothers, showcasing work in a professional and critical environment. ‘2nd Shift’ is a creative collaboration established by Leonora Lockhart and Isis Dove-Edwin in response to their own lived experience as artist-mothers.
Over the course of the next three weeks, Lockhart and Dove-Edwin will be joined by artists Line le Fevre, Kerri McEvoy and Sharyn Wortman as our Front Gallery transforms into a collaborative workspace, allowing early career artist mothers to access a ‘day’ residency around their caring responsibilities, in an environment where no (defensive) explanations are required. Participating artists have come to RuptureXIBIT at times that suited their schedules in an environment where no (defensive) explanations are required.
This residency sits within the broader public discussion of under-representation in the arts. Residencies are seen as an important step towards career progression. One of the biggest career barriers that artists who are mothers face due to childcare responsibilities, is access to residencies, as most require spending time away from home and have no childcare provision. ‘2nd Shift' acknowledges that the gender-traditional term “mother” has its limitations and remain open and welcome to all mothering identities.
About ‘2nd Shift’:
Lockhart and Dove-Edwin met at Central St Martins and reconnected at the Royal College of Art as they navigated the less travelled path of a concept-led material practice. Sharing anecdotes about juggling careers, student life and motherhood during their MA, they formalised their thoughts and formed a creative collaboration exploring the implications of motherhood on artistic development and outcomes. Their project Parent? Mother? Artist? was shortlisted for the Arts Threads Global Design Graduate Show 2023. Website: Instagram: @the_2nd_shift
Look out for updates in our newsletters (subscribe below!) and on our social media: @ruptureXIBIT
Isis Dove-Edwin Instagram: @isisdoveedwin
Leonora Lockhart Instagram: @leonora_lockhart
Sharyn Wortman Instagram: @sharynwortman
Kerri McEvoy Instagram: @kerrimcevoystudio
Line le Fevre Instagram: @linelefevre