We help you take a hard look at what makes a “creative practice,” not at “how to get a gallery, sell your work or ‘navigate the art world’.”
There is nothing wrong with seeking guidance for developing the business side of your career, and there are plenty of places ready to help. In fact, the market is saturated with people who are ready to tell you how to navigate the art world, network and sell more.
At Rupture, we think all artists should be able to make a living from their work. But that’s not what we are focused on. How are you going to make a living if you don’t know why you are making work? Why you’ve chosen a specific medium, what you want to be talking about, are you talking about what you want to be talking about? What are the conditions that make work arise? How do you keep those conditions constant in your life? How do you learn to live your practice? How do you know you should? These are critical questions to ask - BEFORE you worry about selling work.
How do I establish and keep a practice going with everything else going on in my life?
How do I know if my practice matters and is producing work that matters?
How do I get less struggle and more joy out of the process of making art?
How do I learn to trust my skill set so I can just create?
How do I stop judging myself based on what I can sell?
How do I connect to my deeper creative purpose in a way that is secure?
How do I build discipline so my practice is stable?
How do I know that I’m worth all the effort resources and energy I am putting into my art?
At Rupture, we are interested in practice. What it means to have a practice. Building it, rebuilding it, examining it, deepening it, blowing it apart, and starting again. We are interested in the life-long formation of the artist at work. We are here to help you discover your depth, make friends with your fear, and grow the roots of a practice that excites you, challenges you, and grows with you for the rest of your life.
Over the past five years, the Rupture team has worked with over 1,000 international artists at all stages of their careers, providing a prolific platform for artistic growth and collaboration.
We meet each artist where they need to be met, and provide the time, space, and rigor to examine and expand individual practices.
If you are excited about asking and seeking answers to questions like those above, it’s time to reach out for help.
Kate and Sally are available for Individual Practice Mentoring coaching sessions, which are held via zoom or in person, working one on one.
Sessions with Sally are £75 VAT inclusive for 50 minutes individually, or six sessions for £375 VAT inclusive paid in advance (one session free!). Sessions with Kate are £98 per session or 6 sessions for £490.
Unsure if Practice Mentoring is right for you? All prospective clients meet with Kate or Sally for a free 20 minute consultation to confirm that it is a good fit for everyone.
One-on-One Practice Mentoring
"Sally and Kate have been fabulous mentors so far! I feel like they have given me a sense of direction after I had come to a natural stop in my art-making and their emphasis on inner work has been particularly illuminating. Would 100% recommend.” Verity, 2024
PRACTICE can be a powerful thing. It drives creative expression. It can feel distant and undefinable. Kate and their partner in practice, Sally will share what they have learned about life in the generative. They will explain how everyone, even with no training, can build a framework to support the urge and impulse to make and use inspiration and reference to find the individual generative which leads to the new.
We consider the questions:
What is it to BE an artist?
What IS practice?
WHY and HOW we make and what steps that can be taken to build and expand an individual sustainable practice.
WORKSHOP: Examining and Expanding Your Practice
The insights and conversations from the workshop continue to resonate in my own practice… I left the workshop feeling so connected to my authentic artist self, like magic." Workshop attendee 2024
Artist crits are often absent from our professional practices post education, so following the success of our group crits during our open call shows and residencies, we're currently focusing the energies of the studio on artists developing their individual practices.
Alongside bespoke practice mentoring, we have found crits to be the most powerful tool to help artists at all stages of their careers. The crits will be held in the intimacy of our back studio space, where Kate and Sally will lead the sharing of work and supportive discussion with other artists.
Please bring a piece of work or images of the work.
“The atmosphere of involvement was refreshing—where my voice was heard and valued. I felt a sense of responsibility for my work and gained tremendous motivation to continue pushing boundaries. The critique event expanded my perspective on my artistic identity, allowing me the freedom to discuss my art openly”. Anna Kiparis, 2024
Here at RuptureXIBIT, we offer artists an affordable space in which to expand and define their practice during a four-week intensive mentoring residency concluding with an open studio event. This is an opportunity to push your practice and show experimental and unresolved work and talk about it across disciplines and communities devoid of hierarchy. Experimental means experimental to you: how you ask more of your practice.
We accept proposals based on the artist’s desire to develop through experimenting and showing. RuptureXIBIT is interested in the new and believes the new comes from an engagement with a willingness to stretch, push, and fail. We are a lab, a workout space, a place to try things you are unsure of. We are your trampoline.
We’re currently accepting residency proposals for our 350 sq. ft. High Street shop-front gallery. This intensive mentoring residency consists of four weeks of studio/gallery space, plus four 90 minute mentoring sessions and the opportunity to be part of our studio community. It includes access to our workshops and group crits and the more informal support that comes with working from the studio. Plus, we offer promotion of the residency and open studio across numerous platforms and full support from our experienced in-house team.
Ready for more?
Discover our Intensive Mentoring Residency
Once a quarter, we will host Invitational Artists in Residence.
These residencies offer space and time for artists with established practices to interrogate or try something out.
Invitational Resident Artists are required as a condition of their month long residency only to give one artist’s talk and hold one open studio.
No final work needs to be produced, the artist can choose to hold a show if they would like to.
Know someone who this is the perfect fit for? Nominate an artist now.
Invitational Artist in Residence Program
Testimonials from our Mentoring Workshops & Sessions