Past Exhibitions and Events
Georgios Mavridis: Everything Flows
10th - 16th February 2023
"Everything flows and nothing remains constant, motionless." — Heraclitus.
“Everything flows in the present moment.
Since the beginning of 2019 we lived under the tragic experience of the pandemic. It affected the atmosphere in which everyone lived. It was something which reverberated with your psyche and disturbed the whole life cycle of a person. First it was strange and then it became familiar.
Post pandemic, the need for connection has never been more acute and relevant or more challenging. They say contemporary painting is "art after a stroke" and after this pandemic experience the remedy is the absorption into the present moment. As the living moment is not the same and always changes, one-shot paintings (a term first used by Philip Guston) and studies depict the present moment of the self during this time.
Under the umbrella of "everything flows," the self becomes a fortune teller, or elephant in the room, or the river paradox, in turn conjuring an international dialogue with the viewer’s own sense of self. The present tense becomes the subject of the subject. The hedonistic figures and every other figurative element evoke the human impotence in the face of overwhelming social condition. The everything flows concept painting invites that the remedy is the absorption into the present moment. “
Georgios Mavridis exhibits selected oil paintings as well as taking up residency in the front gallery for the week, painting in his temporary ‘open studio’.