Past Exhibitions and Events
In the Midst of a Melting Garden
25th - 29th March 2023
A soft dialogue with creatives will arise In the midst of a Melting Garden from 25th – 29th March 2023; spontaneously encounter the reminiscences, emotions, and intimate storytelling that amalgamates into fluidity will gently permeate the RuptureXIBIT. We invite you to escape from this bustling city, set foot on a soft journey, unload the stress that shadows you, and be softened and softer in the melting garden we draw on.
The spirit of the exhibition is we value softness as a flow of healing power and see how it relates to artists’ practice by touching human senses. Here, softness refers to an expanded definition aiming to liberate it from stereotypes. Can we also hear, taste, smell, see and feel soft? The space will be transformed into a warm immersive garden to see how the audience responds to a variety of softness. The playful and healing show will grow from here in search of bold and experimental attempts.
The exhibition features an exceptional group of artists: Hannah Archambault, Mae Chan, Nuo Chen , Jessica Woo Jung Ghil, Feifan Hu, Tianai Hu, and Wenjie Yu. Artists draw upon the inherent healing nature of soft material, whereas participants will be enveloped in a soundscape created by Hannah Archambault, parallel to the visual experience of the exhibition. The whole experience will lead you to a squishy and lush garden......
In the midst of a Melting Garden is co-curated by Jinyao Wang and Yan Xie and ran concurrent with RuptureXIBIT’s Open Studios.