Past Exhibitions and Events
Eyes, Dusk, Phantasmagoria
9th - 12th April 2022
To absorb the surroundings
Carrying small moments of
Sentimentality and nostalgia
Observing plural dimensions
A group of dreamers
Allows space for wonder
Benjamin's concept of "Flâneur" brings out the personal perspectives of 12 artists who perceive the surrounding environment when drifting in the social landscape. (Benjamin, 1992) The "Flâneur" is engulfed in the present. Their spirit wanders restlessly, idling in the city, scavenging in the park. The street leads the Flâneur into a forgotten time. It slopes downward to a past that is enchanting to those it does not belong to. Their steps have a strange resonance on the pavement upon which they tread; walls reflect echoes, whispers of the past.
The artists carry on with the abandoned things, feelings, and memories. They walk through nostalgia in the present, transcending from the mundane, past a dream state, building their felt reality through the lines they draw, marks they make, frames they cut...
The present is multilayered - reality itself is the most surreal. This surreality is not science fiction; it is a revolutionary romantic approach to our very human sentiments.
In this exhibition, the artists delve into the plural dimensions of sensory languages and aim to understand the multiplicity involved with inhabited thinking.
Bo Xun, Erin Alles, Li Hei Di, Meryl Yana, Nooka Shepherd, Oda Sønderland, Shiwen Wang, Sofia Nifora, Tsai Yun-Ju, Wenxuan Wang, Xiaoyu1002, Yage Guo
Curator: Olivia Chen
Poster design: Erin Alles, Corey Cai