Past Exhibitions and Events
Robert Lafon ‘Seeing the Wood for the Trees’
22nd - 26th April
When people ask me when I started painting, I usually reply at the age of three. Mark making of any sort was a favourite activity of mine throughout my childhood and beyond.
After several happy years during my first career in the world of design, I made a series of career moves, gradually taking me further and further away from painting.
I kept my paintbrushes ready for occasional action at weekends and on holidays. Rather than becoming less as time went on, the urge to paint and draw increased, particularly during my latter years working for the NHS. I think I always knew that when I finished paid employment, painting would become, again, my main activity, and it has.
What do I paint? - Almost anything, but I am particularly fascinated with water, with trees and with people; with life, really. My guiding principle/idea is an appreciation of colour (first and foremost), pattern and form; and trying to make sense of a quote from a former tutor, Joe McGill.
This search takes on a new meaning, or greater significance, when reaching the age of "retirement", being released from the need to earn a living while facing the reality of limited time left.
The idea of this exhibition emerged as part of a review of my work to date; thinking about what has changed in my painting and what has grown in importance. A key element was the wish to have my work seen, to see if what I am doing has any meaning, resonance or value for anyone else.
So I am looking for feedback - not approval - which may inform the choices I will make in future work and test the thoughts I have already had about "what next?"