Sharyn Wortman

photo credit- Katia Auter

Sharyn Wortman’s practice explores liminal spaces that quiver on the edge of their own disappearance. She is constantly working to escape the boundaries of medium, and present her audience with realms of otherness.

Her practice is multidisciplinary and in a constant state of flux. She states, “I write, I make, I explore, I read, I muse over matter on a daily basis. My studio is filled with books, fire, slate, clay, chalk, charcoal, paper, wire and wax. Working at the intersection of the haptic and the optic I spend my time exploring the materiality of the possible.” 

In the words of Willem de Kooning, her practice is neither a labyrinth, nor a network, but rather an offering of content as ‘a glimpse of something’.  Sharyn’s work is performative, devastating, intriguing, discoverable.

Sharyn will be joining RuptureXIBIT as an Invitational Artist in Residence in September 2025.

Click here to read more about Sharyn at her website.

Instagram: @sharynwortman